Keshav Amla

Keshav Amla

Keshav Amla is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Avishtech. He has strong expertise in materials science, mechanical engineering, computational science, and software development. Keshav founded the company while still a graduate student at Stanford and then went full-time building Avishtech’s leading-edge solutions to address the most pressing engineering problems facing the design and development of printed circuit boards. Keshav holds a Bachelor of Science with Honors in Mechanical Engineering from Caltech and a Master of Science in Materials Science & Engineering from Stanford University.


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The Influence of Material Characteristics on High Speed Design Part 2: Roughness and Skew

Copper foil and oxide roughness are also major drivers of insertion loss behavior. As discussed in Part 1 of this article series, the first crucial step to efficacious design and development is understanding how the dielectric material attributes are to be carefully considered when assessing impedance and insertion loss performance. This article by Keshav Amla highlights the importance of considering roughness attributes in this assessment, ensuring a well-rounded approach to addressing impedance and loss, as well as skew, a signal integrity concern of ever-increasing importance.

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