Bill Hargin invites you to sit in on his Wednesday 12:15 pm session at the Chiphead Theater, titled, In Search of the Holy Grail: Laminate Dk and Df Values that You Can Trust.”

"For almost 50 years, the electronic design industry has been searching for the Holy Grail of dielectric measurement techniques, resulting in 18 different IPC standards for measuring dielectric properties and several more approaches, including several “bootleg” operations that are not part of IPC.

Employing accurate material parameters in PCB design is critical to electrical performance and ensuring both signal and power integrity. PCB laminate manufacturers publish construction tables with resin-content and permittivity (Dk, Df), but how do electronic designers know that they have an “apples-to-apples” comparison across multiple laminate systems, constructions, and data sources?

In this presentation, we will discuss the history of the search for the Holy Grail laminate characterization method, where we are today, as well as implications for signal integrity in high-speed PCB designs going forward."

Bill will also be talking about (and handing out a limited number of copies of) a new educational resource on PCB Stackup Design

His event is free, and he hopes to see you there!

If you would like to meet with him in Santa Clara next week, please send an email to

Chris Cheng also invites you to two of the machine learning and AI events at DesignCon 2022.

First, a follow up on the previously well attended boot camp in machine learning and AI for SI/PI. Chris is honored to have two of the CAEML center directors, Professor Paul Franzon (NC State) and Professor Madhavan Swaminathan (Georgia Tech), sharing their advanced research in this area. Beyond the basic machine learning and AI topics, you will cover the exciting area of digital twins and deep learning GAN engine for SI/PI.

Attendees will also have a hands-on demo using a trained GAN engine. Details of the boot camp can be found here.

If you are attending the boot camp, he asks that you please bring your laptop, and make sure you have access to Google drive, Colab and Github, since you will be using them for the GAN engine demo.

Second, there will be a great panel from system, academic and EDA industry to discuss digital twins and their applications in SI/PI. You will cover different aspects of digital twins, such as generative, multi-physics and dynamic optimization models.

The panel is open to everyone, Chris hopes to see you there!