Rohde & Schwarz expands its high-performance R&S RTP oscilloscope family in terms of both bandwidth and functions for debugging and analysis. The new R&S RTP134 with 13 GHz, and R&S RTP164 with 16 GHz bandwidth, support four channels to 8 GHz, or two channels interleaved for the respective higher frequencies. For all R&S RTP models, update options support bandwidth increases right up to 16 GHz.

The new R&S RTP models support all functions already introduced for models up to 8 GHz, including the high acquisition and processing rate, and the realtime deembedding. The bandwidth of the industry-leading digital trigger is extended to 16 GHz to provide the highest precision for detecting very small and intermittent signals. The R&S RTP triggers on realtime deembedded signals and supports all trigger types including pulse width, setup and hold, or runt, up to the full instrument bandwidth.

Well suited for debugging high-speed differential signals and available for both data acquisition and trigger functions, the new math module introduced directly after the realtime deembedding block supports addition or subtraction for any two signals, plus signal inversion and common mode operations.

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