Industry News


Microchip Introduces Fully Integrated Precise Time Scale System

Allows Nations to Operate an Independent Time Scale Back-up to GNSS

Utilizing an alternative time system is a matter of national security. To address this need, Microchip Technology Inc. announced its Precise Time Scale System, a timing system that is traceable to Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) and not dependent on GNSS.

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Power Electronics Industry: The Tables Are Turning…

Market Demand and EV Adoption are Changing the Supply Chain

Yole Développement's (Yole's)  power electronics team releases Power Electronics for Automotive – Focus on Passenger and Light Commercial Vehicles report to answer the questions: why is vehicle electrification so critical? Why has it developed rapidly in recent years? What is the market situation? How will it evolve? What are the key technologies to follow and business opportunities to keep in mind?

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