NEXCOM has partnered with ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute), FHT (First Hi-Tec), and TUC (Taiwan Union Technology Corp.) to co-develop new technology to overcome design challenges of high-speed signaling. This technology will be applied to high end network equipment in the telecommunication industry and is expected to be available in Q2 2019.
The development encompasses three new technologies, including a new type of ultra low loss material called TUC3, whereas the insertion loss can reach as low as -0.57dB/inch @25Gbps. Another development, named Coaxial VIA, is designed to outperform in signal simulation through traditional pass through hole (PTH) vias. Coaxial VIA in a PCB layout is shown to maintain better signal integrity compared with traditional PTH VIA in PCB FAB. The third announcement is an embedded capacitor layered in PCB FAB instead of current SMD type capacitor. Using an embedded capacitor reduces the circuitry traces by 50% and, as a result, greatly enhances the signal integrity since it cuts down much of the synchronized switching noise generated by high-speed ICs (such as Mellanox ConnectX-5).
NEXCOM has developed a 100G LAN module showcasing these three developments from the four-party alliance.